Greetings! I am having so much fun with this site. Thank you all for the fun comments and thank you for voting for me! April was great beginning of my VW history :)
May 10th - double celebration for our family. It is my Birthday and 5th anniversary with my hubby! So this pictures is little present for hubby :)
Thank you all again and have a wonderful spring. Kiss, Joliesse L.
Recent Comments for May 10th - Double Celebration (75)
SUPERB all the way
A Magnificent Goddess
I would love to take you in my arms and cover every inch of your magnificent, perfect, naked body with passionate hot wet kisses
SUPERB all the way
A Magnificent Goddess
I would love to take you in my arms and cover every inch of your magnificent, perfect, naked body with passionate hot wet kisses
Joliesse, you are definitely worthy of having a thread started for you on the Community Forums. Please stop by to chat. It's under the Community tab on the front page and go to the Freestyle section. If you don't have an account on the Forums you will need to create one. It will likely take a few days for Admin to approve your new posts so don't get discouraged. Hope to see you there.
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May 10th - Double Celebration
Posted by: Joliesse L
Greetings! I am having so much fun with this site. Thank you all for the fun comments and thank you for voting for me! April was great beginning of my VW history :) May 10th - double celebration for our family. It is my Birthday and 5th anniversary with my hubby! So this pictures is little present for hubby :) Thank you all again and have a wonderful spring. Kiss, Joliesse L.